How to Choose Milks for Our Babies, Part II

How to Choose Milks for Our Babies, Part II

Letter of Christine Bouguet-Joyeux - 28th of December 2017 2/ Animal milks: from cows, goats, sheep, mares, donkeys, buffalos, camels … Obviously, cow’s milk is the most popular milk in our countries. However, other mammal’s milks are used in other countries: from cows, [...]

The Construction of Infants’ Immune Defenses: 1000 Days From Conception

Letter No. 166 of Pr. Henri Joyeux -  28th of  July 2017   The immune status of a human ovum, and then of the fetus is very particular. His body is different and separated from the one of his mother. To his mother, he is [...]

How to choose milks for our babies? (Part I)

Letter No. 5 of Christine Bouguet-Joyeux 16th of November 2017 Dear friends, Among all the questions we get, many surround infants’ nutrition. Family do not pass down nutrition and nursing information as much. This kind of support is becoming rare, so we rely on public [...]

Breastmilk: The Best Vaccine

Letter No. 122 of the Pr. Henri Joyeux - 16th of June 2016 Dear Reader, Expectant mothers, parents and grandparents of a new baby. It is also addressed to my colleague Dr. François Bourdillon, new director of French Public Health Agency (Santé Publique France – [...]


3 letters (this one and the two next ones) could help you to reach that goal; save you from diets, hospital trips, useless medical appointments, and perhaps even from an operation… In any case, it could save you from some spiteful glares. In the this [...]

Acid-Base Balance (Part I)

Letter No. 203 of the Professor Henri Joyeux - 13th of November 2018 I.  The major influence of nutrition and soils "Of all components of our body fluids, acid have the most harmful effects".Hippocrates (460 to 377 BC)   "Our nutritional behaviors [...]

By |2019-06-15T18:31:35+02:0015 June 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

What You Should Know About Abusive Chemotherapy

Letter No.3 of Professeur Henri Joyeux - 1st of April, 2014 It is true: there is such thing as abuse with the use of chemotherapy treatments. For example, a person of 80-85 years of age does not systematically need to be subjected to a heavy [...]

By |2019-06-22T17:37:37+02:006 May 2019|Cancers, Health Tips, Letters|0 Comments

What Is the Best Cooking Method for a Healthy and Flavorful Food

Letter No 9 of the Professor Henri Joyeux - 13th of May 2014 This is one of the most frequently asked questions in my conferences. I am aware my responses are not complete, because I do not personally master the cooking practices. This is why [...]

The Unbelievable Seignalet Diet

Letter No 7 of the Professor Henri Joyeux - 29th of April 2014 Dear Friend, Dear Reader, Dr Jean Seignalet (1936-2003) was an excellent colleague. I met him as he was a resident of the Montpellier Public Hospital (alumnus 1962). Later he became a junior [...]

By |2019-02-28T05:54:08+01:0028 February 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Falling Asleep Without Pills

Letter No 8 of the Professor Henri Joyeux - 6th of May 2014 "I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind — and all [...]

By |2019-03-02T20:27:08+01:0028 February 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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