
The Letter of the Professor Joyeux

For Years of Weekly Newsletters

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Letter No 9 of the Professor Henri Joyeux - 13th of May 2014 What Can You Expect From an Ideal Cooking Method ? The ideal cooking method is, without a doubt, soft steam cooking, which reaches a temperature no higher than 95/97°C i.e. 203-205 °F, [...]

1 March 2024|Uncategorized|

SUMMER OF 2020: Social Distancing, Masks and More?

BE AWARE AND SPREAD THE WORD THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HEALING THE SICK AND RESEARCH WITH SICK PEOPLE I strongly recommend listening to my two colleagues at International University Hospital (IHU) of Marseille, France. Professor Didier Raoult and Director Professor Jean-Christophe Lagier, service chief of tropical and infectious [...]

4 September 2020|Health Tips, Letters|

Until Covid-19 Vaccine is Available, Don’t Be Afraid!

Zinc, Antibiotics, Anticoagulant.  Resist The Pandemic by Stimulating your Immune Defenses Dear friends, Sorry to disturb you during your vacation. I had to, on account of the increasing number of worried people. The upswing of the coronavirus pandemic forces me to inform you without delay. This letter [...]

Dairy: Is it As Necessary and Healthy as We Are Told?

Relationship Between Dairy Consumption and Various Health Conditions Dear friends, Dairy has become a controversial food. These days, many people are told to give up dairy partially or totally to resolve some health issues such as ezcema and autoimmune conditions. However, for decades, we have been [...]

Naturally Lose Surplus Weight and End Obesity

NATURALLY LOSE SURPLUS WEIGHT AND END OBESITY Dear friends of health, Many of you have read my two first letters on the topic of “Excess Weight and Obesity”, and you were right. You now understand what surplus weight is made of, how heavy [...]


With Professor Didier Raoult, General Practitioners and Pneumologists Can Treat You Efficiently. To you, friends of health,   I have been monitoring the Cov-2 pandemic since its beginning, (November 19th, 2019 in China) in its every detail: origin, diagnosis, tests, treatments, results, individual and crowd immunity aspects. [...]

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